About – NewsSpirtual.com
News writers and bloggers establish newsspirtual, also known as news spirtual. news spirtual primary goal is to provide the quickest readers with the most recent information. Several professional writers put in endless hours, day and night, to produce this news site. news spirtual’s primary goal is to build a devoted readership of those who watch news online via mobile and web platforms. We are dedicated to provide timely and reliable news on a variety of topics, including business, sports, lifestyle, bizarre, astrological, and national and international news as well as information of interest to our users.
Story of newsspirtual.com
While planning this website, all the owners and writers were very clear about why this news website was created. Social media news and technology, user satisfaction is our priority, this was the only reason why this brain child took almost a year to take shape. newsspirtual.com aims to provide users with information that helps them in their daily lives, along with content that provides entertainment and satisfies the urge to read.
On this website, you will find all kinds of latest news and information.
Entertainment News
Web Series
TV Shows
Tech News
Web Stories
Stock Market
Team Newsspirtual.com
Sanyam sharma, CEO: Newsspirtual.com
Aman Kumar,Founder: Newsspirtual.com
संयम शर्मा Newsspirtual.com के प्रधान संपादक और सीईओ हैं। उन्होंने B.A से स्नातक की पढ़ाई भी पूरी की है और ब्लॉगिंग और डिजिटल मार्केटिंग में 2+ वर्षों का अनुभव है। कई सारे बिज़नेस और ब्लॉग्स के साथ काम कर चुके है.
Aman Kumar एक Blogger, जो की Newsspirtual.com के Founder और Content Strategy Head है. इन्होने Blogging Career की शुरुआत 2021 में किया था और अभी तक कई सक्सेसफुल ब्लॉग बना चुके है.